Thursday, March 29, 2012

#ISRAELIS We ‎#Iranians are your friends We do not want a ‎#nuclear BOMB We want ‎ #peace and democracy ایرانیان با مردم هیچ کشوری دشمنی ن دارند

سلمان سیما از فعالان دانشجویی و از اعضای گروه دانشجویان و دانش آموختگان لیبرال دانشگاه های ایران، در خصوص کمپین «از ایران برای صلح و دموکراسی»؛ و پیام دوستی مردم ایران به مردم اسرائیل در برنامه روی خط شبکه صدای آمریکا صحبت نمود .

او گفت: شعار های مردم ایران نباید فراموش شود. مردم ایران شعار نه غزه نه لبنان جانم فدای ایران و فلسطین رو رها کن فکری به حال ما کن را سر داده اند. مساله فلسطین مساله مردم ایران نیست و می تواند صلح و دوستی بین مردم اسرائیل و فلسطین را تحت الشعاع قرار دهد، برای صلح و جلوگیری از خطر جنگ باید به ریشه های جنگ افروزی توجه نمود که از آن جمله می توان به برنامه هسته ای جمهوری اسلامی ایران و حمایت این رژیم از گروه های تروریستی اشاره کرد، مردم ایران با مردم هیچ کشوری دشمنی ندارند.

Hey world we have a message for you!
We, Iranians, do not want a nuclear bomb!
We, Iranians, do not want a war!
We, Iranians, do not want an Islamic regime!
We, Iranians, do not want to support terrorist groups!
We want democracy!
We want peace!
We want respect!
We want freedom!

העם האיראני אין איבה עם אנשי מדינה

مصاحبه سلمان سیما:

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آینده روشن هست – حیف که در بهار آزادی جای دوستامون خالی ست

Neda Agha-Soltan, whose brutal murder at the hands of the Iranian regime during the protests in Tehran last year, has become a symbol of human rights the world over.

We believe that the viral video of Neda’s death was a sea change in political power in the world. It was the first viral video to change the course of history, a symbol that the power of broadcasting is no longer simply in the hands of governments and corporations, but in the hands of people. It is in the hands of anyone with a cell phone camera and an internet connection. It is in your hands right now.

Iranian state-run television would have never broadcast the footage of Neda’s death. It took a person with a cel-phone camera and an internet connection to do that. This is a new era and a new type of democratic power.

That said, there is also something about Neda herself. About the simplicity of her request and the violence of the response her government gave her. She represents the most fundamental decency of the human spirit standing in the face of the most base corruption of that spirit. All she wanted was for her vote to be counted. For that, she was shot through the heart in the street in broad daylight holding a sign that said simply "freedom."

Many others died that week and more were wrongfully imprisoned, beaten, tortured and executed in the year since. Some still sit in jail cells. These are people we do not know and we will never meet. But we have to let them know that we stand with them. That we admire their courage and will support their struggle.

There are a lot of us. We need each other, and we need your help.

On the day of her death, the the last phone call Neda made before she was shot was to her mother. Her mother begged her to come home since everyone knew there were people being killed in the streets.

Neda said, "If I don’t go, who will?"

This is the question we pose.

If we don’t raise our voices, who will?

Join us.

The world is watching. The world is filming.

The revolution will be televised.

این کلیپ رو یکبار دیگه شر کردم تا فقط به خودم یاد آور بشم که هنوز زنده هستم و به راهی که رفتم ایمان دارم و شک ندارم که آینده برای ماست .

به امید آزادی ایران

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

جدال فیسبوک و خامنه ای!

این عکس برای قبل از انتصابات مجلس می باشد

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